All photos on website: Credits to: Switzerland Tourism, Swiss Travel System, Rail Europe, Austria Naonal Tourist Office, Atout France, Croaan Naonal Tourist Board, Netherlands Board of Tourism and Convenons, Italian Naonal Tourism Board, Tourism Board of Spain, Visit Britain, Tourism Ireland, Scandinavian Tourism Board, Visit Finland and Kakslauanen Arcc Resort, Lapland

Swiss Travel Pass
Pass Types
Class Travel
I. Features
- 1st class & 2nd class
- Validities : 3, 4, 6, 8, 15 days consecutive
- Swiss Youth Pass for traveller up to 24 included on the first day of travel Youth Pass : 30% discount on the full fare pass
- Available as Print at Home
- Special travel bonuses apply
- SWISS TRAVEL PASS - FLEX1st class & 2nd class
- Validity : any 3, 4, 6, 8 or 15 days within a 1-month period
- Travel days may be used consecutively or non-consecutively
- Swiss Youth Pass for traveller up to 24 included on the first day of travel Youth Pass : 30% discount on the full fare pass
- Available as Print at home
- Special travel bonuses apply
- Swiss Travel System map
- Compare the Swiss Travel Pass to the Eurail/Interrail pass
- FREE SWISS FAMILY CARD (for families travelling together)
- This free card allows children, from 6 up to 15 included, without limitation in the number of children, to travel for free when
- accompanied by at least one parent (including step and foster parents) that is in possession of a valid Swiss Travel System Ticket.
- Valid with any Swiss Travel System product (Swiss Travel Pass, Swiss Travel Pass - Flex, Swiss Half Fare Card).
- Seat reservation charges are additional to the Swiss Family Card
II. Child rules
Children up to 5 includedfree if no reservation is required
Unlimited number of children from 6 up to 15 included free if holding a Swiss Family Card. See Features section above
Children from 6 up to 15 included who are not members of the family still qualify for a 50% reduction on Swiss Travel Pass, Swiss Travel family Pass - Flexi
III. Eligible Party
People with a permanent residence outside of Switzerland & Liechtenstein (for more than 6 months) are eligible to purchase or use a
Swiss Travel System product.
V. Benefits
- Free Swiss Family Card: children from 6 up to 15 included travel free. (Refer to child rule details)
- Access to scenic routes Bernina Express, Glacier Express, Golden Pass, Gotthard Panorama Express, Chocolate Train, Centovalli
- Express and Lötschberger. Be aware that reservations are compulsory on some scenic trains and fees vary by train.
- Mountain excursions included: Klewenalp, Rigi, Stanserhorn and Stoos
- Special Passholder fares on TGV Lyria (France – Switzerland TGV), No passholder fare on services from Geneva and Basel. (Not
- available with RE booking tool yet)
- 25-50% discount on Mountain top excursions: applies between the 1st day of free travel and the last day of free travel.
- Free admission to over 500 Museums : valid for the whole duration for a consecutive pass and valid
- on a Flex pass only once it has been activated.
- Free public transportation in 90 cities
- Special travel bonuses: for full list of bonuses, please refer to Swiss Trael System map
- Compare the Swiss Travel Pass to the Eurail/Interrail pass
VI. Conditions of use
- The name on the railpass must match the name on the passport
- Passes are pre-validated at time of purchase. Must be within 6 months of issue date.
- Swiss Travel Pass - Flex, date of travel have to be entered in the correct way before boarding the first train, by the traveller, in the corresponding box of the calendar
VII. Print at home
- The Swiss Travel Pass e-pass booked via Easy Rail Access booking tool does NOT require the passport number
- The Swiss Half Fare Card will be available in Easy Rail Access booking tool together with the Swiss passes when searching for Switzerland in the "Passes" tab
- For Swiss Travel Pass consecutive days, Swiss Half Fare Card, the pass or card will be attached to the booking confirmation email as a pdf. The pass or card must be printed prior to boarding the first train.
- For Swiss Travel Pass Flex, the pdf that will be attached to the confirmation email is a receipt and not a valid travel document! Customers need to activate their travel days on . They will receive a valid ticket for each activated travel day. This can be shown either in printed form or on a mobile device when tickets are being checked.
- Activated travel days can be deactivated/changed any number of times until the day prior to the selected travel day (11:59pm). On the selected travel day, an activated ticket cannot be deactivated anymore.
- For information on how to book via Easy Rail Access booking tool, User Manual is available here
- Important notes
- Once the pass has been booked and issued the start date on the pass or card cannot be changed
- Please make sure passengers will arrive in Switzerland on the day or after the day you have entered in the booking